
MOVE Private Fitness Studio

Start your transformational journey today!

Our Breakthrough Stories

Why Quick-Fix Fat Loss Treatments Failed Him: Henri's Eye-Opening Journey to Lasting Change

Why Quick-Fix Fat Loss Treatments Failed Him: Henri’s Eye-Opening Journey to Lasting Change

Falling In Love With The Process: From Slimming Treatments to a Holistic Approach

Falling In Love With The Process: From Slimming Treatments to a Holistic Approach

A Mother's Breakthrough to a Healthier, Happier Life

A Mother’s Breakthrough to a Healthier, Happier Life

From Pain to Play: A Parent's Journey to Fitness and Quality of Life

From Pain to Play: A Parent’s Journey to Fitness and Quality of Life

Empowering Transformation: Han Yang's Journey to Building Confidence and Muscle

Empowering Transformation: Han Yang’s Journey to Building Confidence and Muscle

Overcoming Mobility Challenges: Norzaimah's Fitness Breakthrough at 53

Overcoming Mobility Challenges: Norzaimah’s Fitness Breakthrough at 53

Overcoming Emotional Eating Disorders and Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle and Fitness Journey

Overcoming Emotional Eating Disorders and Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle and Fitness Journey

From Disgust to Delight: Connie's Fitness Breakthrough Unveils a Journey of Self-Discovery and Sustainable Transformation.

From Disgust to Delight: Connie’s Fitness Breakthrough Unveils a Journey of Self-Discovery and Sustainable Transformation.

Restarting a fitness routine can be demotivating, but a Coach can change that.

Restarting a fitness routine can be demotivating, but a Coach can change that.

From Stress and Anxiety to Strength and Resilience : Amy's Inspiring Tale of Triumph with MOVE Private Fitness

From Stress and Anxiety to Strength and Resilience : Amy’s Inspiring Tale of Triumph with MOVE Private Fitness

Discover how a busy mom's quality of life improved with MOVE

Discover how a busy mom’s quality of life improved with MOVE

43-year-old mumpreneur regained her youth and confidence.

43-year-old mumpreneur regained her youth and confidence.

50-year-old Sarah proved that Osteopenia could be reversed through strength training.

50-year-old Sarah proved that Osteopenia could be reversed through strength training.

More than just a cancer survivor, she rediscovered her purpose after choosing to rebuild strength.

More than just a cancer survivor, she rediscovered her purpose after choosing to rebuild strength.

A mum of 2 broke a 10 years plateau and lost 11kg in 3months

A mum of 2 broke a 10 years plateau and lost 11kg in 3months

Yingmin has lost 8kg for her best day - Wedding

Yingmin has lost 8kg for her best day – Wedding

He received a brand new lifestyle after losing 20kg and reversing diabetes.

He received a brand new lifestyle after losing 20kg and reversing diabetes.

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