
MOVE Private Fitness Studio

Transformative Lifestyle

Program Details

It’s easy to get stuck thinking things will never change.

We often feel overwhelmed or stressed with work and family commitments. Compounded with the lack of knowledge, trapping us in an unhealthy, self-fulfilling cycle that makes us feel tired and sluggish all the time. Yet sleep suffers from pent-up physical energy, and we binge or stress eat unhealthy foods, repeating this vicious cycle.

If only there is something that’s been proven by countless research to improve chronic fatigue syndrome, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve flexibility, boost energy and mood, build strength and muscle, improve metabolic health and even libido!

Turn Back the Clock on Your Body!

At MOVE, we have seen that when our clients move well, they feel well, and they do well and perform well in life too! Our (LIFESTYLE) program focuses on teaching you functional movements that build strength, power, muscle and athleticism, with an emphasis on lifestyle coaching and stress management, to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle that gives you more energy to live life to the fullest.

You might be wondering how you can fit fitness into your hectic lifestyle. We ask only that you take 3 to 4 hours out of your week to not let your old lifestyle take its toll on your body and mind. And let us take care of the rest.

Program Benefits

  • Personalized training program that is designed according to your health and fitness status, lifestyle, interest, and goals.
  • Lifestyle coaching to optimize sleep, productivity, manage stress, and improve mental well-being. 
  • Personalized nutrition coaching that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation, and to improve your cognitive and physical well-being. Supplementation plans will be given as needed, if we assess any issue or deficiency not easily corrected with whole foods.

Discover your potential with our personal training.



Programs You Can Get Started On

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Who we serve

Career Driven Professionals

Supercharge your career with more energy and confidence even if you're unfit and lack of time

Who we serve

Busy Parents

can now experience an empowered parenting journey with renewed vigor and a sense of confidence, regardless of your fitness levels and the scarcity of time.

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Who we serve

Career Driven Professionals

Supercharge your career with more energy and confidence even if you're unfit and lack of time

Who we serve

Busy Parents

can now experience an empowered parenting journey with renewed vigor and a sense of confidence, regardless of your fitness levels and the scarcity of time.

Who we serve

Ambitious Entrepreneurs

Fuel your entrepreneurial pursuits with increased energy and unshakeable confidence, even if you're physically unfit and have limited time.

Who we serve

Illness Management Individuals

can now break free from the confines of illness, reclaim your vitality and reignite your zest for life despite limitations in health and bodily function.

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Advisory Program

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Who we serve

Career Driven Professionals

Who we serve

Busy Parents

Who we serve

Ambitious Entrepreneurs

Who we serve

Illness Management Individuals

Get Started

Advisory Program

Your program selection:

Transformative Lifestyle

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*Please select your desired branch/ location to check the availability.

I’m sorry, this program is not available for this branch/ location.

Note: Hold on a moment please, we are checking the availability.

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Tell us where you are currently.
Average Skinny Fat
THIN (<10kg or more)
Step 3/5
Which coaching style you prefer?

Athletic Performance

Special Population

Total Transformation

Lifestyle Coaching

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(Health conditions, injuries, expectations….)

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