
MOVE Private Fitness Studio

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92% of New Year’s Resolution Failed! (it’s time to do it differently).

2020 was going to be the year…


2021 then…


One more try… 2022 is going to be the year!

Sounds familiar? 

And for the most part, you’ve probably been introduced to the S.M.A.R.T goal setting system over a goal setting workshop, at your company’s retreat, some blog articles with a click-bait-ish headline that promised to show you the secret sauce to achieving your new year resolution.

The inconvenient truth is, regardless whether you have a goal to hit the gym 4x per week, fatten up your wallet, quit happy hour drinks, get a new job or hire a personal trainer to whip you in shape, here are the 2 vital factors you need to pay close attention to in order to set yourself apart from the 92% that probably has 2023 as a backup plan already.

Additionally, you will be walking away with practical and proven tips from MOVE Co Founder – CJ Lee to take charge of 2022 like a raging bull!


1. Having False belief

I want to lose weight… I want to get abs… I want to…

As we all know, we are living in the information age where there is never a shortage of the “How to” guide, videos, blogs, courses or perhaps some personal trainer that you are following on Instagram that’s constantly sharing a bunch of value bomb.

But why is it that… most people stop at the “I want” stage?

Ready for the truth?

It has everything to do with the belief you have towards your ability, the process and the outcome of what you strive to achieve. 


“I was born big-boned and that’s why it’s unfair”

“I will have no life if I was to get the body I want”

“It’s so hard to maintain afterwards”


That’s what I’m talking about here. And that’s when gyms everywhere in the world see a decline in membership usage nearing the end of the first quarter. 

Personal trainers (the caring ones) are calling you back and suddenly, you just have no time for your training sessions anymore.

The task for you here is to start becoming aware of the inner dialogue you have with yourself (yes… that little voice!) as well as the conversations you have with people around. 

An extra bonus tip here for you…

One of the most effective ways I’ve personally used to challenge my negative thoughts is by asking myself immediately this very question “Is what I just said true”?

Mind you, the ego would always say “YES, IT IS TRUE”, but the moment you let it go, you have a new possibility awaits. 


2.Waiting to feel motivated

A warm fuzzy feeling after a warm bath can only last… 5 minutes? 15 minutes?

And that’s exactly what motivation is like… Meaning to say, the feeling doesn’t last!

So, why wait for it?

What is the actual meaning of motivation anyway? Do you know?

See, I always believe that in order to get clarity on the action and outcome in life, we must first gain clarity in the word we use because ultimately word creates action and action creates the outcome.

And therefore, if we were to break the word “motivation” in half, it actually stands for — motive and action. 


YES! Motive! That’s what you gotta have first! But… how do we do that?

The very first step is to set a clear intention and meaningful purpose as to why you want to take the action. The stronger your WHY is, the more compelled you are to take the necessary action!

Are you doing it for your loved ones? Are you doing it to inspire the next generation? Are you standing for something meaningful for the welfare or wellbeing of others?

Just imagine this time round, instead of just saying that you want to hit the gym 4x a week, you say this instead…

“I want to have more energy and strength to keep up with my kids and give them the best childhood that’s memorable, and therefore, going to the gym 4x per week is essential”

There you go! Isn’t that more meaningful? Are you having an AHA moment now of how you can actually make your goals even more exciting to execute?



Though you’ve probably found my sharing useful. But I encourage you to think that there shouldn’t be the need to make New Year’s resolutions because a purposeful goal doesn’t need waiting. The new year should just be a milestone in life where we reflect on experiences gained, lessons learnt and get ready to embrace what lies ahead.


Authored by:

CJ Lee


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