
MOVE Private Fitness Studio

Active In: Melaka

Yek Yong

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Active in: Melaka

Yek Yong

Active in: Melaka

Yek Yong


Live More Kickstarter
Live More Kickstarter

About the trainer

Once a benchwarmer for National Taipei University’s Football Team, but later proved himself to be worthy of being in the starting line up for 3 straight years til his graduation, Yek Yong turned to the one thing to improve his game play which never failed him, and that, was strength training.

His conviction to the team’s success in the midst of losing matches had him looking deep into the science of training and other pillars of performance optimization. One thing led to another, the calling to go through a Personal Training Certification by the Natoinal Academy of Sports and Medicine (N.A.S.M.) came knocking since he couldn’t stand the thought of not impacting lives of others with all the discoveries and learnings he attained.

Additionally, Yek Yong’s major in Bachelor of Sports Management coupled with the attention to detail and the caring personality he has, those who he serves reaps the ultimate joy from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, obtaining fitness goals and pursuing athletic achievement.

P.S. If you love surfing, wakeboarding, football, basketball, tennis, and badminton, Yek Yong is the guy!


-Assist elderly in achieving independency in movement and increase quality of life by overcoming the fear of injuries through strength training.
-Assist individuals facing chronic joint pain to gain confidence in movement.
-Strength and conditioning for athletic performance.


  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Taiwan’s Certified Physical Fitness Instructor(Grade C)
  • Hyperthrophy Workshop Certificate by Dr. Arvin Raj
  • PHA (Precision Health Alliance) Level 1


Other experiences:

  • One of the most memorable and thrilling moments was when he scored the game securing penalty during a futsal tournament match which was held by Taiwan’s UFA.
  • Spent a summer interning as an assistant coach in a wakeboarding/wakesurfing (a cool sport that involves a rope and a boat) school. The most memorable moment was to be able to witness the client making progress in playing the sport.
  • National Taipei University Football Team Wakeboard Assistant Coach

Client's Achievement

Ryan achieved pain free shoulder movement and improve badminton performance after 2 months of training.
Jason lost 4kg and 3 inches at the hip in less than 3 months and felt relief from previous back pain.

Active in: Melaka

Yek Yong


Senior and Golden Agers
Advisory Program
Illness Management Individuals
Ambitious Entrepreneurs
Busy Parents
Career Driven Professionals
Live More Kickstarter
Transformative Lifestyle

About the trainer

Once a benchwarmer for National Taipei University’s Football Team, but later proved himself to be worthy of being in the starting line up for 3 straight years til his graduation, Yek Yong turned to the one thing to improve his game play which never failed him, and that, was strength training.

His conviction to the team’s success in the midst of losing matches had him looking deep into the science of training and other pillars of performance optimization. One thing led to another, the calling to go through a Personal Training Certification by the Natoinal Academy of Sports and Medicine (N.A.S.M.) came knocking since he couldn’t stand the thought of not impacting lives of others with all the discoveries and learnings he attained.

Additionally, Yek Yong’s major in Bachelor of Sports Management coupled with the attention to detail and the caring personality he has, those who he serves reaps the ultimate joy from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, obtaining fitness goals and pursuing athletic achievement.

P.S. If you love surfing, wakeboarding, football, basketball, tennis, and badminton, Yek Yong is the guy!


-Assist elderly in achieving independency in movement and increase quality of life by overcoming the fear of injuries through strength training.
-Assist individuals facing chronic joint pain to gain confidence in movement.
-Strength and conditioning for athletic performance.


  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Taiwan’s Certified Physical Fitness Instructor(Grade C)
  • Hyperthrophy Workshop Certificate by Dr. Arvin Raj
  • PHA (Precision Health Alliance) Level 1


Other experiences:

  • One of the most memorable and thrilling moments was when he scored the game securing penalty during a futsal tournament match which was held by Taiwan’s UFA.
  • Spent a summer interning as an assistant coach in a wakeboarding/wakesurfing (a cool sport that involves a rope and a boat) school. The most memorable moment was to be able to witness the client making progress in playing the sport.
  • National Taipei University Football Team Wakeboard Assistant Coach

Client's Achievement

Ryan achieved pain free shoulder movement and improve badminton performance after 2 months of training.
Jason lost 4kg and 3 inches at the hip in less than 3 months and felt relief from previous back pain.

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