
MOVE Private Fitness Studio

Active In: Kuala Lumpur

Qahmil Kassim

Let our coach help you with your fitness goal!

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Active in: Kuala Lumpur

Qahmil Kassim

Active in: Kuala Lumpur

Qahmil Kassim


Live More Kickstarter
Live More Kickstarter

About the trainer

From a young age, Coach Qahmil was obsessed with football and his track record shows it. At the U18 level, he has competed in countless tournaments both locally and in countries such as Thailand and Taiwan. This drive to perform and compete led him towards powerlifting and eventually Olympic weightlifting.

His father’s passing hit him hard and Coach Qahmil made it his mission to fight against this and to help as many people as possible both physically and mentally. He started by first getting his personal training certification from NASM followed by a Corrective Exercise Specialization(CES) by the same institute.

This has led him through many gyms helping people with different body types and injuries to reach their goals. If you’re looking to get back into sports after a while or looking to improve your sport, he’s your man. He’ll make sure you continue doing what you love for as long as possible.


– NASM Certified Personal Trainer
– NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
– Coach Ma Olympic Weightlifting Level 1
– 6 years of Personal Training experience

– Injury recovery and prevention for chronic pain and sport performance
– Improve mobility and athletic ability
– Olympic Weightlifting/Powerlifting

Client's Achievement

In only 6 months, Azran who was looking to build muscle mass, managed to almost double his bodyweight at the age of 51.
Jorge managed to deadlift 120kg and get rid of his plantar fasciitis during volleyball after only 6 months of training.
Soon Hong was a former junior state level table tennis player who had not been active in years and had a shoulder rotation imbalance. He no longer has the imbalance and managed to squat 120kg


Active in: Kuala Lumpur

Qahmil Kassim


Senior and Golden Agers
Advisory Program
Illness Management Individuals
Ambitious Entrepreneurs
Busy Parents
Career Driven Professionals
Live More Kickstarter
Transformative Lifestyle

About the trainer

From a young age, Coach Qahmil was obsessed with football and his track record shows it. At the U18 level, he has competed in countless tournaments both locally and in countries such as Thailand and Taiwan. This drive to perform and compete led him towards powerlifting and eventually Olympic weightlifting.

His father’s passing hit him hard and Coach Qahmil made it his mission to fight against this and to help as many people as possible both physically and mentally. He started by first getting his personal training certification from NASM followed by a Corrective Exercise Specialization(CES) by the same institute.

This has led him through many gyms helping people with different body types and injuries to reach their goals. If you’re looking to get back into sports after a while or looking to improve your sport, he’s your man. He’ll make sure you continue doing what you love for as long as possible.


– NASM Certified Personal Trainer
– NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
– Coach Ma Olympic Weightlifting Level 1
– 6 years of Personal Training experience

– Injury recovery and prevention for chronic pain and sport performance
– Improve mobility and athletic ability
– Olympic Weightlifting/Powerlifting

Client's Achievement

In only 6 months, Azran who was looking to build muscle mass, managed to almost double his bodyweight at the age of 51.
Jorge managed to deadlift 120kg and get rid of his plantar fasciitis during volleyball after only 6 months of training.
Soon Hong was a former junior state level table tennis player who had not been active in years and had a shoulder rotation imbalance. He no longer has the imbalance and managed to squat 120kg


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Active in: Kuala Lumpur



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Active in: Kuala Lumpur



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Average Skinny Fat
THIN (<10kg or more)
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Athletic Performance

Special Population

Total Transformation

Lifestyle Coaching

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